River Valley Fútbol Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. We are committed to providing a safe setting for soccer, focused on the development of both character and sportsmanship to all of the River Valley.

Our Board of Directors is made up entirely of volunteers.  We are focused on growing our club and providing the best soccer experience possible.  Please visit our sponsorship page for opportunities to help.  If you would like to volunteer in any capacity or join the board, please don't hesitate to reach out!


Board of Directors

Position Board Member Email
Board President Stephen Young rvfc.stephen@gmail.com
Board Vice President Taylor Smith
Treasurer Tucker Johnston
Classic Representative Zach Underwood
Classic Representative Macy Bracken
Academy Representative Meghan Fitzgerald
Academy Representative Kipp Parker kipp.parker.rvfc@gmail.com
Recreational Representative open position
Recreational Representative Andrea Terrell
At Large Representative Julio Solis
At Large Representative Sophia McClure
Adult League Representative Cole Malugen

Contact Information


recleague.rvfc@gmail.com – Recreational League Information

academy.rvfc@gmail.com – Academy Program Information

competitive.rvfc@gmail.com – Competitive Program Information

adultleague.rvfc@gmail.com – Adult League Information

registrar@fcrivervalley.com – Registration Questions and Information

Mailing Address: PO Box 10132, Fort Smith, AR 72917

Physical Address: Ben Geren Park, 7200 South Zero St., Fort Smith, AR 72903


Q. Who can play? How old does my child have to be?
A. Programs Offered:
-Recreational soccer programs for all children beginning at age 3.
-Academy soccer programs for all children beginning at age 8.
-Competitive soccer programs for children beginning at age 10.

Q. How much does it cost?
A. Our programs vary in price. Please refer to individual programs listed on our website for a breakdown of the cost.

Q. How do I pay?
A. The easiest and preferred method of payment is by credit card during the online registration process.
For alternate arrangements:
Please email: registrar@fcrivervalley.com with any questions related to payment with a check or money order.

Q. When are practices?
A. The practice schedule for each team is determined by the coach.  Typically, the coaches speak with the team to assess the best day to practice.

Q. What is the inclement weather policy?
A. In the event of inclement weather, we will post any game cancellations on our Facebook page and send an email to all registered users that are affected by the change. It is your responsibility to sign up with a valid email address via our website.

Q. What equipment do I need?
A. You will need to bring the following items to each practice/game: Water, cleats, shin guards, appropriate size soccer ball.
U8 & Under- Size 3 Ball
U9-U12- Size 4 Ball
U13 & Up- Size 5 Ball

Q. What equipment is provided by the Club?
A. The Club provides each player with a jersey.  The jerseys are kept for 2 seasons (Example: Fall and Spring).
New jerseys are distributed every 2 seasons.

Q. When will I know which team my child is on?
A. We will notify you by email when your roster is posted. Rosters contain contact information for your coach.
Your coach should contact you shortly after team assignments are made.
Rosters cannot be finalized until the registration process is concluded.

Q. How can I help?

A. Our organization relies heavily on parent volunteers.
Our recreational programs always need volunteer coaches.
You do not have to be a soccer pro to be a successful coach.
We are always thankful for parent volunteers to work during tournaments and special events.

Q. Can my child be placed on a team with their friends or a particular coach?

A. Unfortunately, when coaches, players and/or parents try to choose their teams, the teams can become unbalanced--which isn’t much fun and defeats the purpose of our recreational program. One of the benefits of recreational soccer is making new friends and experiencing new coaches and techniques. The only players that may remain on a specific team together will be the child of the Head Coach and/or Assistant Coach. There is a "TEAMMATE REQUEST" field on the online registration form. Please make sure that you enter any requests in this form. It is impossible to keep them organized in any other format (email, text, phone call, etc).

Q. Who coaches recreational players?
A. All recreational coaches are volunteers.
These coaches volunteer their time and effort to coach youth players each season.
Most of these volunteer coaches are parents just like you.
Without volunteer coaches, we would not be a successful club.
If you are interested in coaching, please let us know by emailing:

Q. I am having problems with registration. I have questions about registering online. What should I do?
A. Email registrar@fcrivervalley.com to share the issue you are having with online registration for assistance.

Q. How do I view my child’s roster?
A. To view your child’s roster, log into the system using the username and password created during registration.
Scroll down to the child’s name and click the Team Name link.
This will take you to your Team Page.
Click the Roster tab to view the roster.

Q. How do I view my child’s schedule?
A. To view your team schedule, log into your account.
Scroll down to your child’s name and click the Team Name link.
This will take you to your Team Page.
Click the Schedule/Results tab to view the schedule.

Q. What is the refund policy?
A.  We have a no refund policy with the following being the ONLY exceptions: the player becomes injured to the point that they cannot play and presents a doctor’s note to the club.
In which case, the refund will be prorated for the remaining sessions the player will be unable to attend.
Under no circumstances will late registration fees be refunded.

Q. How can I help?

A. There are many ways for parents to help!
The minimum that we ask is that you be supportive of your child, the coach of your team and the club as a whole.
You could also volunteer to be a head coach, assistant coach, or team manager.
Show your support of the club by attending as many games as possible and by helping out at tournaments and events.
We need coaches every year.  This is a fun and rewarding experience that will require time, but has a positive impact on the children.

Laws of the Game: Laws of the Game

River Valley Futbol Club

Ben Geren Soccer Complex, 7200 Zero St.
Fort Smith, Arkansas 72903
Email: Registrar@Fcrivervalley.Com